outdoor dining area that features tables and chairs at Hotel Manaal By M Square, Pithampur

Facilities at Hotel Manaal By M Square

At Hotel Manaal By M Square, we are committed to providing more than just services—we offer experiences. Our guests benefit from a diverse array of amenities designed to enhance both their relaxation and productivity.

interior of Meadha restaurant at Hotel Manaal By M Square, Pithampur featuring round tables and chairs placed around it

Multi-cuisine Restaurant


Event Venue

Superior Room

Well-appointed Rooms

la-rel-easter-KuCGlBXjH o-unsplash

Kids Zone


Multi-jungle Gym


On-call Doctor

interior of Meadha restaurant at Hotel Manaal By M Square, Pithampur featuring round tables and chairs placed around it

Multi-cuisine Restaurant

Conference room with black chairs and a long table.

Event Venue

Superior Room decked with a king size bed, a wardrobe, a tv and an air-conditioner at Hotel Manaal By M Square, Pithampur

Well-appointed Rooms

Child stacking colourful wooden blocks.

Kids Zone

A fitness gym with equipments

Multi-jungle Gym

A doctor in scrubs sitting at their desk working on a laptop

On-call Doctor

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